Bulgarian Propolis tincture, non-alcoholic 30 ml



Propolis contains nineteen compounds of different chemical structure. These compounds include a number of substances belonging to the flavonoid family. According to medical researchers, the propolis is rich in: Vitamin A (carotene), Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Biotin, Bioflavonoids, Albumin, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, cobalt.

Propolis contains 500 times more bioflavonoids (vitamin P) than in oranges. With the exception of vitamin K, bee has all known vitamins.


15-20 drops in a glass of lukewarm water in the morning before a meal taken prophylactically.

Influenza, cough, angina and inflammation Linfen – recommended 3 times daily 20 drops 20-30 minutes before eating.

In fever 5-10 drops in 10 ml of water were used as nasal drops. Several times a day 3- 4 drops in each nostril.

Diseases in the oral cavity are recommended gargles with propolis tincture in water (ratio 1: 14 – 1 ml. Tincture in 14 ml. of water).

Packing: 30 ml

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

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